Non-Surgical Gum Therapy

If you are experiencing chronic bad breath, inflamed gum tissues, or bleeding gums when brushing or flossing, you may have gum disease. Gum disease is an oral infection that is caused by a buildup of plaque in your mouth. If plaque isn’t removed daily, it can irritate your gum tissues and eventually lead to serious oral health problems.

Gum disease starts off with gingivitis which main symptoms include halitosis (bad breath), gum inflammation, and gums that easily bleed. Luckily, because gingivitis doesn’t impact your underlying gum and bone tissues, these symptoms can be stopped and reversed with proper oral hygiene.

If gingivitis is allowed to progress, it develops into periodontal disease, which causes your gum tissues to pull away from your teeth and bone. This creates pockets between teeth where bacteria and food debris can become trapped, leading to further infection and decay. Eventually, the tissues supporting the teeth will become so deteriorated that the teeth will fall out.

The best way to prevent gum disease is with daily brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups. However, if you are suffering from moderately severe gum disease, Richmond Dental Clinic offers comprehensive non-surgical gum therapy to help treat it. Non-surgical gum therapy employs a number of non-surgical treatment, such as local medication, curettage, and root-planing, to eliminate the harmful bacteria below and above the gumline.

Local medication may be given to stop the infection from spreading to other sites. Curettage gets rid of the tooth’s surrounding infected soft tissue while root-planing cleans and smoothes the root surface so that new healthy tissues can regrow around the tooth.

The procedures are commonly performed at the same time and give your gums and teeth a chance to heal. Chances are you will likely need multiple treatment sessions due to the fact that gum disease needs time to properly heal. Each session will allow us to check your mouth's status and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment.

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